Monday, April 27, 2009

Cosmetic Surgery?

Do celebrities, like Jessica Simpson, who go in for cosmetic surgery regularly stay away from the sun completely during their recovery period? How do they shun the media during this time?

Will you ever consider cosmetic surgery yourself, and why?

Cosmetic Surgery?
God, yes. I'd have everything done but my ears...

I'm proud to be shallow!!!!
Reply:We run a cosmetic surgery holidays company in Thailand and perhaps medical tourism is how they shun media. and our main emphasis is you come and enjoy the sunshine and exotic tropical location whilst recovering. Report It

Reply:the only reson i would consider having surgery if i were disfigured in some one, so in my opionin, it wouldn't be elective
Reply:they hide in thier mansions.

no i would have comsmetic sugery it is meant to be for victims of burns and stuff.
Reply:Yes I would consider cosmetic surgery for myself. I am considering liposuction and a breast augmentation. Why because having 3 children and planning on more really depletes your body and distorts its proportions badly to the point where there is no repair as in exercise and diet the skin just does not go away. And breast augmentation because simply my boobs are small and lopsided and I would like them to be normal looking and feel better about myself. You just better be prepared for the pain/recovery afterwards because any type of surgery has cons not just pros.

i'm not that rich, not too ugly. i know who i am. i don't care if you know me.
Reply:i don't know about celebrities, however, i had breast reduction a few years ago and even though i was completely miserable afterwards i would do it over again b/c that's how happy i am with the results and my body image.

if you get cosmetic surgery, then think about the season. i was all taped up with bandages and adhesive spray and a big bra thing in the dead of summer....i broke out in a heat rash and ended up not sleeping for about 2-3 weeks b/c i was so miserable. definitely a winter procedure!!

anyway....if it makes you feel better and you are being rational and safe, then it's your life and have at it....that's my view point!

take care.

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