Monday, May 17, 2010

Should i get cosmetic surgery?

Should i get cosmetic surgery?

i'm only 19 and i always look tired and older than i am cause i have bags under my eyes. it's hurting my self esteem so much that i don't want to leave my house. this is obviously making me suicidal. so i want to get surgery done. i'm pretty afraid it won't turn out well though and i know if it doesn't i'll be stuck that way. i'm not superficial, i just wanna look my age :[

Should i get cosmetic surgery?
hey i have the same thing i have been told i have my moms bags but i am who i am.if people dont except u the way u r then screw them.i think cosemtic surgery is not a great idea unless u get messed up from like a car accident or something(im not downing comesmetic surgery) but what happens if it doesnt work for u and i ve heard this alot it turns out a night mare like they really mess up ur face.i have alot of physcial issues like my birthmark on my stomach and scared and im alway told im my own worse critic,but im also who care what i look like people tell me im beatiful i am feel gross. i dont know ur status but u might be worried about nothing.but im not going to say u r worried about nothing because it obviously bothers u.dont be suicdle u have more to life than looks and to worry about people judging you by ur looks.if u have personality u have nothing to worry about.and please dont tell me i dont know what i am talking about because i have serious mental health issues, i might not be getting at what u are asking about but i have been suicdle for many issues and if u need someone to talk about message me. i haave been sucidle about my looks,friends,feelings,thoughts,everythi... makekup for these kinda things and if u get a man ur sooner or later going to let him see u with out any make up thats what i did. i use to for a yr(when i was selfconscious)wake up 2 times a night and redo my make up just so he wouldnt see my face without it,i had bags(that is heridary)and acne marks,and one day i was like do u love me for who i am and he said yes and i should have to begin with showed him myself without makeup and he said i dont care i love u for u and ur persoanlity and im with him still 5 yrs later, and myfreidns have been seeing me without make up and they dont even notice unless i tell i said b4 i was once told ur,ur own worse critic.good luck ur young have fun.
Reply:No. You need therapy if you are so torn up over this.

As for the condition of the skin under your eyes...a 100% raw vegan diet is fabulous for your skin and every other bit of your body. You could try it, if you have the will to stick to it.

Be well.
Reply:I don't think I know enough about you or your situation to make a truly honest answer. What you see could be completely off from how you appear to me. I am not anti-cosmetic surgery but I am not always pro either. I only believe it if you truly feel you will turn out happier.
Reply:yes, you old bag.
Reply:I think there's no need for cosmetic surgery. There's too much risk involved [and costs a lot of money]. It's your decision anyway; but always remember to weigh the pros and cons.

Look tired and older? Stress makes you look tired and older than your actual age. Keep your stress under control. Watch what you are thinking (outlook, attitude, etc.). A healthy dose of optimism can help. Right now, don't think too much about your current trouble. It only adds more pressure on you.

The bags under your eyes may be due to lack of sleep. Get plenty of sleep :) ... I am not an expert when it comes to make-ups but I read (somewhere) that concealers can help hide your eye bags for a while...

I have information that might cheer you up: glycolic acid cream (5%). Glycolic acid is used to improve skin's appearance and skin texture (i.e. reduces wrinkles, scarring). It also helps to make your skin look healthier, smoother, and brighter-looking. My dermatologist recommended this one to my sister and the result is gradually showing (and doesn't look like a hag anymore).

Another one: instead of investing your time and money on cosmetic surgery(ies), it's better to spend it on spas. My officemate usually go there to relieve stress and it works.

I hope these help.
Reply:well you should eat better food, like fruits and veggies, exercise more, then u will look instantaneously younger. but not overnight. also wear sunblock. i dont think it is plastic surgery that u are looking for.
Reply:first you should really talk to a therapist or a really cool sound-minded person about the suicide stuff and other anxieties. the bags under your eyes can more than likely be fluid retention n poor drainage. i often got them when over tired or not eating right. once i started eliminating icky things from my diet.. junk food, processed foods, etc and started a holistic diet.. they went away. try diet elimination n see how that works, but don't do the surgery.... u can really mess yourself up. what if the doc made one eye look bigger than the other?? what is he gonna say... ooops? also try getting a facial once n a while to feel refreshed n get a nice facial massage to get things flowing. pamper yourself. girl... you'll be fine. don't be so hard on yourself and look in the mirror and tell yourself how awesome u are and get out that house! :)
Reply:As we can't see you we cant judge. Even if we could, we still could not judge. It is you and only you that can make that final decision. Don't let any one either talk you in or out of it.

You are right about the risks. Like every thing in life you have to weigh these up and see what to you seems worth the risks involved. The problem with surgery is that there are an awful lot or bad surgeons and you do not know what you are getting. I had ny nose done and the surgeon left an open wound in my nostril that wepted and bleed. Then though, I had a diferent surgeon who corrected that and operated on my one breast which was different to the other one and I had fantasic results and I am so gretaful to him as it made that part of my life so much better. Even given that, I still would say don't let me or anyone else decide for you, because I had both experiences so bad can happen. All others can do is tell of their experiences and those are not going to garentee yours either way.

I wish you the best in what ever YOU decide! And I do not consider you surefical either.
Reply:There are two categories of patients who are good candidates for surgery. The first includes patients with a strong self-image, who are bothered by a physical characteristic that they'd like to improve or change. After surgery, these patients feel good about the results and maintain a positive image about themselves.

The second category includes patients who have a physical defect or cosmetic flaw that has diminished their self-esteem over time. These patients may adjust rather slowly after surgery, as rebuilding confidence takes time. However, as they adjust, these patients' self-image is strengthened, sometimes dramatically.

It's important to remember that plastic surgery can create both physical changes and changes in self-esteem. If you are seeking surgery with the hope of influencing a change in someone other than yourself, you might end up disappointed. It's possible that friends and loved ones will respond positively to your change in appearance and self-confidence, however understand and accept that plastic surgery will not cause dramatic changes in people other than you.

Honesty, with yourself and with the surgeon is essential. It's important that you set aside any awkwardness you might feel, and speak candidly about the changes you'd like to see. At the end of the consultation, you should feel confident that you and your surgeon understand each other completely.

Also, it is unwise to stress a minor functional problem if your true desire is to have an improved appearance. A patient who pretends to be seeking relief for a functional problem may confuse the surgeon about that patient's true goals for surgery.

Contacting a plastic surgeon is probably the best idea for advice. These sites contain directories of plastic surgeons and have a lot of other helpful information…



Reply:Cosmetic surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her breast reduction, tummy tuck and facelift surgery in India by the company called Tour2india4health Consultants .The Price for the surgery she paid in India was very less. She paid 30% of the cost she was quoted in America.

Tour2india4health Consultants is very famous in India. They arrange cosmetic and plastic surgery for foreigners in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and about their patient stories. They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low price, as the breast reduction, tummy tuck, facelift and other cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.

Hope this helps.

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